This white paper covers a perspective on the Internet of Skills: is it the next tech wave?

The latest advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain – namely the arrival of 5G, enabling high speed, low-latency and ultra-reliable communication – have enabled new opportunities linked to the fast transmission and use of large quantities of data. One of these opportunities concerns the adoption of these technologies to transfer practical skills.

The Internet of Skills concerns the general ability to transmit practical skills in (near) real-time through the internet, so third parties all around the world (either humans or machines) can take advantage of such skills to support their activities, despite physical boundaries such as distance or environmental dangers.

From a general perspective, we can say that the Internet of Skills concept is particularly interesting for all those whose success-critical skills are either continuously available but poorly or inefficiently utilized, or unavailable and challenging to retrieve when needed.

This whitepaper has the purpose to unfold the novel Internet of Skills concept from an industrial perspective, discussing current and potential application cases as well as future development directions. 

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