Technical skill sets and a mediator structure will give Danish businesses access to big science facilities.


The purpose of this project is to equip FORCE Technology and its partners with big science methods and technologies, particularly the use of high-intensity electron and neutron beam facilities like the European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund.

In co-operation with the other participating GTS institutes, we will build in-depth technical skill sets and a mediator structure that will enable Danish companies to use big science facilities to solve various problems within such areas as drug development and material technology in metals, plastics and composites.

FORCE Technology's primary contribution is the development of methods for studying such phenomena as hydrogen embrittlement in high-strength steel using neutron-radiographic and tomographic measurement techniques, and studies of coated contact surfaces.

We will make extensive use of precise simulation tools, since access to the big science facilities is still quite limited.

Target group

The primary target groups are the offshore sector, the pharmaceutical industry, and green energy, including battery and solar cell technology, as well as companies that work with functional surface treatments.


This project is being conducted in partnership with the Technological Institute, Bioneer, and the Alexandra Institute.